We hope you will join us for this year’s TWA Foundation Luncheon, July 14th, 12-1:30pm in the Grand Oaks Ballroom. This year’s keynote speaker is Conservation Vision’s, Shane Mahoney.
Shane Mahoney, born and raised in Newfoundland, is a biologist and writer widely known internationally as a lecturer on environmental and resource conservation issues. A committed hunter and fisherman, Shane lectures widely in the United States and Canada on the future of hunting and sport fishing and the role hunters and anglers have played in conserving our wildlife legacy. He frequently addresses resource management agencies and professionals concerning their roles as conservation leaders in the 21st century and conducts workshops on this theme throughout North America.
Shane will be sharing his thoughts on global conservation issues, many of which are also found here in Texas, and what the TWA Foundation’s mission and program support means for the future of conservation in Texas. You do not want to miss this event as we dive deeper into the roles TWA members and supporters play in the future of Texas conservation and wildlife issues.
Tickets and tables are available now. Please note that your Wildlife 2023 Registration does not include admission to the TWAF luncheon
Register for Wildlife 2023 here